Washington’s Cherry Blossoms at Peak Bloom!

by | Mar 29, 2021

Yoshino blossoms at the U.S. National Arboretum, photo courtesy U.S. National Arboretum

Today’s news is that the famous flowering cherry trees around the Tidal Basin are at peak bloom! They raced through the last blooming stages, thanks to last week’s unusually warm weather, though they’re not expected to stay around long since harsher weather is on the way.
Other news is that Washington Walks is offering several virtual talks on cherry blossom topics: Carolyn Crouch will be speaking on David Fairchild on March 31 and about how the trees came to Washington in 1912 on April 3 and 10, and Diana Parsells will be speaking about Eliza Scidmore, the subject of her forthcoming book, on April 7. Both speakers are excellent – I’m looking forward to the talks!