Countdown for Bonsai and Penjing Launch!

Excited about next week’s launch of Bonsai and Penjing, Ambassadors of Peace & Beauty! The book will be available for sale on October 11, and the first big day of public signings will be on Saturday, October 15 when I will be signing books from 10 to 4 at...

A foray into fiction . . .

While promoting Bonsai and Penjing, Ambassadors of Peace & Beauty is claiming most of my attention right now, my fiction life continues on a parallel track.  You could even say it is in what might be called a parallel universe, because my historic...

More Events In the Works

Please join me at any of these events celebrating the October 11, 2016 launch of Bonsai and Penjing, Ambassadors of Peace & Beauty. Saturday, October 15, Aki Matsuri at the U.S. National Arboretum from 10 am to 5 pm, Free. For more information:...